Monday, December 29, 2008

Oh, man. So many things, some good and some... not so good, have happened over Christmas break. A good thing is that I got the most wicked awesome, cheap, mp3 player. The not so good. Ah, I won't say. Where will revenge get me?
Another good thing. I have been taking so many awesome pictures because my camera is working! Yay!
I ate sooo much chocolate and listened to meh favorite music. It was good.
Speaking of music, all of my loyal potatoes, you must check out Regina Spektor. She moved to New York when she was nine, from Moscow (Russia), and oh my goodness, her music is phenomenal. I don't know what it is about her lyrics I just can not get enough of it.
Anyhew. I have learned so much about myself lately. Like I thought I was perfectly content without friends, and now I realize, I'm not as content as I thought I was. Sigh...
Another thing. I do not write happy books. I look at their endings and realize that the main character is always paralyzed\obliterated\or has his time traveling atoms re aligned.
What is the point of Eco friendly shirts that were made in a factory? How can any piece of clothing truly be Eco friendly unless you raised the sheep your self and spun the wool on a man powered spindle\ grew the cotton without fertilizer and then never ironed it\machine washed it?
Tata for now my potatoes. Freezing my bippies off in here.
The end.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

It's Christmas Eve. Adrenaline is high, family is here, presents are under the tree. As I look around and see the expensive things I've received this Christmas, and then at the friends who will wake up on Christmas and find only each other to look forward to, I'd like to take time to thank the people in my life that would make this holiday season a bright place to be even without the gifts.
Although my friends help me through the hard times and are the people that you can talk to things about, when it comes to crunch time than the people that you can always count on are your family. (Friends, just email me and I will tell you how much I adore you.)
I'd like to thank my mom, I love you. It's been an interesting year. Maturity is not fun some times and you have helped me deal with things that I never could have dealt with on my own. I can talk to you about everything, I probably talk to much most of the time.
I am sorry for turning my music up to loud, fighting with siblings, and completely ignoring orders when you tell me.
Thanks for driving me at absurd hours to coffee shops, stake dances, and early morning seminary. Thanks for being normal when every one else failed to be. Thanks for enduring a month of torture with me. Thanks for not telling me I was an idiot when I was. Thanks for pulling my hair through endless holes and then spreading toxic chemicals on my head and then waiting to wash it out again, you're the best.
Thank you Dad. I love you. Even though I was never much of one, you maintained man hood through shopping trips and endured a son who knew what he wanted in the clothes department.
Sorry for making you freeze at father and sons camp. Sorry for going fast on the four wheeler. Sorry for staying up and getting up late. Sorry for not being a better student. Sorry for being a slob. Sorry for abusing your DVD collection. Sorry for doing that gay voice, it really is annoying.
Thanks for doing what you loved even when every one else doubted you. Thank you for abandoning your dreams when it became an ultimatum. Thanks for buying me way more gum than I should ever have chewed. Thanks for not laughing when I asked you if any combination of absurd letters were actual words.
It wouldn't have been much of a year without you guys and I'd just like to say thanks. Thanks to both of you for being there and (hopefully) for being there in the future. Here's looking forward to another year of adventure\scares\presents.
The end.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ah. The sweetness of ward parties. All scorn is left at the door and all the lameness is welcomed with open arms. It's like everyone gets a pass to be as stupid and corny as they want without having to have a special badge.
And then there is always the one person in the ward that has talent, usually only one though. And the talent is magnified by the contrast of the lack there of surrounding it.
Our Christmas ward party was a few days ago and it was a doosy in the lameness department, but it also has a strange, familiar property to it also. It's as if everybody understands what the other person was trying to do even if they didn't do what they intended.
Wouldn't it be impressive if I could express an Australian accent through this blog?
Our Christmas gift from an anonymous friend was soap. Do not laugh, or cough, for this was signature, designer, lusty soap. Maybe minus the lusty. You will have to ask Jackie. But there were so many different fantastic scents and they were all hand made by friends, what more could a recipient ask for? Ah the sweet smell of fat scrapped from bovine underparts....
The end.

Monday, December 15, 2008

I have been up to so much, so much in fact that I again forgot to post. Apologies.
I have had many self realizations since the last post and I have changed so incredibly much that I hardly feel like the same person.
Self Realization #1
I am perfectly capable of living and managing on my own and I strain towards it all the time. I really want what most adults look back on with disgust and embarrassment, living with six other people. Nothing sounds more appealing than sharing an apartment with my college friends (which I have yet to make). Just the thought of a rotating dishes schedule and backed up laundry rooms sounds enticing, no?
Self Realization#2
I really want a job in writing. Books are fun and good and what I want to do but what I want now is a column. I want people to say 'Oh yeah, while we are on the subject, I read this really interesting column on that one Max-' 'Say no more I know exactly the Max you are talking about, his column is amazing.'
I let out a deep sigh just at the sentiment. COLUMN ME, FATE!
Self Realization #3
I am very opinionated and way to many people think that I am funny, but not very deep. I am capable of a conversation. I think that people think that because they laugh at me I have nothing serious to say, this is not the case! I want to not be funny to everyone. I want to be the person who knows what he wants and gets what he deserves.
Self Realization the Last
I like to wear and do and be what I want, what I LIKE, and if you mock me for doing it than you are not my friend. So love me or leave me because I want to know who is my friend 'as I march of to the war'.
Sorry, it was deep today potatoes.
The End

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

I am really upset with my self right now. If I was separate from that filthy procrastinator, I would send him into the kitchen to make me a snack as punishment. Unfortunately I am not that lucky...
The reason for all this destructive energy is that I am too busy. I have mapped out all of my priorities from seven in the morning until seven at night. I have laid everything out and everything has a specific time to do. Even sleep, relax, play scrabble, and blog. Oh yes, I am that good.
I even put time aside to write, a necessity of life, much higher on my priorities list than school, let me tell you.
I have been off sugar for far to long and my head is pounding because I had a post birthday chocolate bar and the sugar is having winter fest inside my skull with some extreme twister, if you know what I mean.
I am off to finish said procrastinated school. Ta ta.
The end.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Whew, I have not posted nearly enough in the past. I am deeply sorry. I am trying to do better but being a recovering Nanoholic is not easy to do and blog at the same time.
So much has happened! I don't know if I have mentioned this but I emailed my favorite authoress, Carolyn Turgeon, and wouldn't you know it, she emailed me back! After I screamed around the house for about thirty minutes, I read the letter and we've been emailing back and forth ever since. Once I got past the initial shock of actually talking to her she's given me some great advice on querying, getting an agent, and many other things... OK so that's about it but still it's amazing, no?
In other news I rushed to my Direct Writing Assessment today which I might say was way to long of a period to write a one page paper. I finished with two hours to spare.... it was not fun. I did however read a great portion of the dictionary.
I am currently chewing Wrigley's Winterfresh gum, which I used to be against, but one day when my friend and I were making ever so classy grillz out of the wrappers, I chewed the gum and realized it was amazing. I am not converted from Orbit but I must admit it is good. Touche Wrigley.
I have a yacht load of school to do so I am off. I still have to hunt down a ton of agents contact information, till tomorrow dear potatoes.
The end.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

It's only day twenty seven and, wouldn't you know it, I finished my book early. It was really amazing and I did many happy dances at my computer\around my house\dairy section at Walmart, but the only problem is, although I am a winner, my story is only a little over half the way done. So I guess I will be spending the remainder of my nonexistent free time writing the rest of the story, getting published, and making millions.
On the other hand, my relative-in-some-way-I-have-no-idea came to visit today (a four hour drive to eat pie, visit, and go back home the same day). We ate said pie, I drooled over their mustang, and she dropped off a box of chocolates...mmmm....chocolate...
ADD moment... if anyone is planning on getting me an early Christmas snack, get me chocolates.
In other news, I watched Walle-E recently and realized, even though the movie is pretty much technically inept, I liked it, in fact, I might say my feelings for the movie go a little bit beyond like. It was corny but the animation was AMAZING! The world that it creates for you on and off planet is really thrilling. It also has some good moral moments that make you think. I recommend it.
I'm debating on whether or whether I should not wake up at four to go shopping with my cousin... I am probably that crazy... four A.M....
The end.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hola. Today was another day completely filled over the brim with work. I practiced lines, did school, and have yet to write the almost two hundred words that will bring me to my quota for the day.
Worship me for a short second because even though I am falling asleep and I still have a ton of writing to do and a crap load of history notes to copy down I still blogged for the sake of my darling fans. Except you in the back, you look rotten.
I realized today that I've never independently found a comedian that I liked. The only ones that I like have been suggested to me by friends or brother. Where do you go to find out about comedians? There isn't like a radio, oh yeah there is. XM. Money. Too bad...
Someday handsome alter ego, some day.
Anyway I realized something. It will be approximately seven years before I came have red dread locks\dye my hair amazing colors. This makes me sad. I even tried to manipulate my dance coach into having us die our hair to match our ties (flames) but she said that God got it right the first time. I hate it when people play the guilt card, it's so effective.
I must go now and sorry if there are hundreds of typoes, I don't have the energy to proofread this post.
Till tomorrow.
The end.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

MY freaken goodness. I have no idea what I was thinking when I started this blog. Why don't I just write a novel, AND start a blog all in the same month. I think I'll post daily. Yeah right! Unfortunately, I am not THAT spectacular, hard to believe I know.
I have done many amazing things in the past few days since I posted last. I went to the Villa again, danced my swingin heart out. It was really fun but I had to crash and do NO school on Friday so I am doing all today. YAY! No, cut the celebration and sweep up that confetti.
WAIT A MINUTE! Throw that confetti back on the ground you filthy potato! I am at the half way point of my noveling festivities. Yep, that's write HALF! It has taken some really weird turns, I thought about having it all just be a dream sequence and he just wants to go back asleep because it all seems so real but I'm not sure if that's too over the top or not...
I will probably go see Twilight this week, even though I think Robert Patison is probably the worst actor on the planet who could have played Edward... oh well.
I also saw the commercials for Bolt and it looks hilarious, definitely must go see that one.
Anyhew, I was writing last night(one in the morning) and I fell asleep and I wrote the strangest things. They were all quite endearing and romantic and all had to do with snow but it was still pretty creepy.
I am really craving me some raspberry and chocolate ice cream right now but I will have to tough it out....
The end.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

First of all, sorry that I didn't post yesterday. It was a CRAZY day of school and writing but I made through with all my school finished and a glimmering sixteen thousand words. Tonight I will have finished seventeen thousand and pretty soon I'll be on my way to 20k.
It's strange, when you write over a thousand words a day it really ads up fast.
And then I got to thinking, I'm over a fifth of the way there. Now at first it seems like that would be a good thing, but it was not at this particular moment.
I realized that so far in my book a lot has happened, but not a lot has happened. Nothing really life altering or earth shattering. AND TWO WEEKS ARE GONE! So I pulled half my hair out but then I looked at my word count chart and realized I actually have a huge amount of time left. There is still time for nuclear explosions, betrayals, new species to introduce, times to warp, and all around awesomeness to evolve out of the sixteen thousand words I have accumulated.
Aside from that I have been to the library where I got a whole darn bunch of a ton of a lot of books. Time travel is fascinating, I watched What the Bleep? which is not what it sounds like. It's about quantum mechanics.
I really enjoyed it, even though parts of it kind of breached my mind capacity.
I am disappointed about the presidential election. I agree with dis article. There are to many people who vote for him BECAUSE HE'S BLACK. In case no one noticed, that's not important.
There was also the most astonishing video that I viewed with mine eyes the other day. It really ticked me off that people could be so immature and be so out of control. They are practically on a rampage. Did you see how close they get to the woman. I would be scared. I'm glad that they got out of there before it got ugly.
I was listening to Dr. Laura the other day and there was a homosexual there. I don't agree with his sexual orientations but I was glad about some things he said. He thought that gay people had far to high expectations of society, to bend over backwards to accommodate them.
It's true. I don't expect every person I bump into to become a christian. I can't remember the last time I bumped into a gay man and screamed. "GOSH YOU HOMO! YOU BETTER HAVE A WIFE BY TOMORROW!" *cough* yesterday *cough* Never. I have never done that.
Tomorrow my favorite show on the planet, Pushing Daisies, is on. It is being threatened to cancel if it doesn't have enough viewers, so be sure to watch it! It's Wednesday, seven pm, mountain time. It's really good, and hilarious so be sure to watch.
The end.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

This morning wasn't much of anything. I went to my unnamed religion gathering and then came home. I came home and did some homework. And I didn't like it. Then I shopped online for things thousands of dollars out of my price range. What can I say? I like nice things...
Anyhew. I slept a bit, listened to an awesome online radio station, ate some delicious sandwiches. Then I cruised all my email addresses, which is getting really annoying but it makes me feel like I have WAY more responsibility than I actually do. That's OK though. I figure if I check them enough than someday someone important will email me and they will thank the heavens that I was checking email addresses, a kidnapped person, you could say, or perhaps an author in need of a writer's block consultant, or say... I don' t know. Julia Roberts? You never know.
I am seriously missing the Villa. I am definitely going to have to go back this week.
My book is coming along pretty good too. So far I went from deaf boy gets in car crash and can hear lies, to time travelers coming back from the future to save him from imminent death, to post human species missionaries coming back to find love, to corrupted time travelers coming back from the future to kill... people. Sounds unimaginably interesting, no?
After that I watched a very funny Australian guy on the tube and basically procrastinated work until about now.
No never mind. Not NOW!
I decided that when I am simply showering in the do I will have to buy myself everything on my showering in the do list. So far it amounts to a white mustang, which I will drive in the morning, a silver Porsche, which I will drive out on lunch to the Villa, a black Corvette, which I will drive on midnight trips to the supermarket dressed as batman, and a white bullet bike that I will use to get from place to place when my other vehicles are in the shop\being used by fellow superheros\when I run out of shaving cream. ( Yes I will need a lot of that by the time I can afford my do fetish lifestyle.) And last a bazillion dollar suit from... Gucci. Why not? I am SHOWERING in it, ?verdad?
That is about all of the narrative of today's boring day I can whip from my soul. Until tomorrow.
The end.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

I woke up and left my warm house to drive through the frigid weather to dance today. Our performance is in like... two weeks and we are NOT ready. So I endured hours of pain and success and then crashed at home, and learned the language of the Spanish.
After that I spent most of my time at the most amazing coffee house. It's got couches that practically swallow you and a fireplace and people sign up to put art up (it's booked till 2012), and it's got people that call you honey, (only slightly creepy), and it just feels like home\NYC. (No we don't drink coffee, they serve an array of delicious treats.)
Anyhew, I was there because my lovely writing group meets there every Saturday. It's very inspiring and glamorous to be around fellow glamorous authors. We bang heads on tables, chew pencils to splinters, and crank out about one and a half thousand words a day, pretty impressive, no?
I left there when the sun started to fall and went home, got none of the homework that is waiting for me still done, and then went back an hour later to go to a swing scene (which will be the second Saturday of every month, at the Villa, at six to nine. Come and join the frivolity.).
It was amazing. We danced, we laughed, we drank (Italian sodas) and had an all around good time.
Oh, and it turns out that one of the women dancing there actually is the hand that created the amazing art hanging there. Such as mah favorite. It is called Rebirth
Unfortunately she is not teaching her amazing talent(yet).
I'm now at my castle procrastinating work. I guess I'll go chew a pencil to splinters.
The end.

Friday, November 07, 2008

Begining of week two

Hi everyone. This is the first post of my blog. I'm mostly doing it because it's the month of November. Why is the month of November so significant, you feeble minded may ask. Well, dear potato, the month of November is exceedingly significant because it is the month in which glorious authors, such as myself, write a novel in a month. Read more here.
Impossible you say? Wrong. Hundreds of people do it every year and I'm already 11999 words of the way there (50k) of the way there. So I guess you were wrong.
I apologize for getting so far of subject. I start talking and I like the sound of my voice so much that I decide to listen it until it stops. Sometimes this takes a while. Back to my original thought.
I am participating in NanowriMo this year, yes that is why I haven't answered your emails and that is why my hair is only spiky because it was yesterday, not because gel was actually applied this morning. I tried Twitter to keep my fellow humans up to date but small blue birds disagree with me so I decided that a blog was a better idea.
And so here it is. Is it not glamorous to read? Is you skin shimmering? Do you feel you have been endowed with magical powers just by reading my words? I thought so. Put on sunglasses before you fry your monitor. You wallet will thank you.
Anyhew. I'll be updating this about every day so instead of actually talking to me, which is a thrill I know, read this instead. It should provide you with a large enough portion of delight to get you through the night.
Until tomorrow my dear potatoes.
The end.