Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Dear Irresponsible Dog Owner,
You think leash laws don't apply to you, huh? You think you're exempt? You think that if you put your dogs in the back of your truck parked in your front yard in a kennel that they have chewed off the door that they won't attack me and my dog on our daily walk. Surprise, they will.
Luckily I'm the kind of dog owner that is prepared for this kind of thing. I know that my dog has problems with aggression so I NEVER let him outside the house without a LEEEEAAASH. I had the common sense to scoop my dog up (who weighs sixty pounds, I'll have you know) and carry him out of the situation. But here's a little nugget of advice for you, LEASH YOUR DOGS! Because if one of your dogs HAD bitten my dog or my lovely leg as I dealt a warning kick to him, I would have felt obligated to call the popo on you and then where would we be.
Not to say I'm insensitive. It wasn't as if I was in your yard. I was minding my own business on the streeeet. That's why we have these laws. So that when people like me are minding our own business, and chimps like you are leaving your dogs unnattended, people like me don't get eaten. Thank you. Have a nice day.