Saturday, November 08, 2008

I woke up and left my warm house to drive through the frigid weather to dance today. Our performance is in like... two weeks and we are NOT ready. So I endured hours of pain and success and then crashed at home, and learned the language of the Spanish.
After that I spent most of my time at the most amazing coffee house. It's got couches that practically swallow you and a fireplace and people sign up to put art up (it's booked till 2012), and it's got people that call you honey, (only slightly creepy), and it just feels like home\NYC. (No we don't drink coffee, they serve an array of delicious treats.)
Anyhew, I was there because my lovely writing group meets there every Saturday. It's very inspiring and glamorous to be around fellow glamorous authors. We bang heads on tables, chew pencils to splinters, and crank out about one and a half thousand words a day, pretty impressive, no?
I left there when the sun started to fall and went home, got none of the homework that is waiting for me still done, and then went back an hour later to go to a swing scene (which will be the second Saturday of every month, at the Villa, at six to nine. Come and join the frivolity.).
It was amazing. We danced, we laughed, we drank (Italian sodas) and had an all around good time.
Oh, and it turns out that one of the women dancing there actually is the hand that created the amazing art hanging there. Such as mah favorite. It is called Rebirth
Unfortunately she is not teaching her amazing talent(yet).
I'm now at my castle procrastinating work. I guess I'll go chew a pencil to splinters.
The end.

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