Monday, December 15, 2008

I have been up to so much, so much in fact that I again forgot to post. Apologies.
I have had many self realizations since the last post and I have changed so incredibly much that I hardly feel like the same person.
Self Realization #1
I am perfectly capable of living and managing on my own and I strain towards it all the time. I really want what most adults look back on with disgust and embarrassment, living with six other people. Nothing sounds more appealing than sharing an apartment with my college friends (which I have yet to make). Just the thought of a rotating dishes schedule and backed up laundry rooms sounds enticing, no?
Self Realization#2
I really want a job in writing. Books are fun and good and what I want to do but what I want now is a column. I want people to say 'Oh yeah, while we are on the subject, I read this really interesting column on that one Max-' 'Say no more I know exactly the Max you are talking about, his column is amazing.'
I let out a deep sigh just at the sentiment. COLUMN ME, FATE!
Self Realization #3
I am very opinionated and way to many people think that I am funny, but not very deep. I am capable of a conversation. I think that people think that because they laugh at me I have nothing serious to say, this is not the case! I want to not be funny to everyone. I want to be the person who knows what he wants and gets what he deserves.
Self Realization the Last
I like to wear and do and be what I want, what I LIKE, and if you mock me for doing it than you are not my friend. So love me or leave me because I want to know who is my friend 'as I march of to the war'.
Sorry, it was deep today potatoes.
The End


KateAnn said...

Wow! that was a deep post. I think it is great that you are thinking about these kinds of things. Too many times people, myself included, don't think about the deeper things that make up a life until they are older and then they look back and say "Oh, I wish I would have done such and such" or "I wish I would have done that differently" could have, would have, should have . . . . kudos to you, Max!

Victore B. Wildewood said...

Thanks you so much.