Friday, November 07, 2008

Begining of week two

Hi everyone. This is the first post of my blog. I'm mostly doing it because it's the month of November. Why is the month of November so significant, you feeble minded may ask. Well, dear potato, the month of November is exceedingly significant because it is the month in which glorious authors, such as myself, write a novel in a month. Read more here.
Impossible you say? Wrong. Hundreds of people do it every year and I'm already 11999 words of the way there (50k) of the way there. So I guess you were wrong.
I apologize for getting so far of subject. I start talking and I like the sound of my voice so much that I decide to listen it until it stops. Sometimes this takes a while. Back to my original thought.
I am participating in NanowriMo this year, yes that is why I haven't answered your emails and that is why my hair is only spiky because it was yesterday, not because gel was actually applied this morning. I tried Twitter to keep my fellow humans up to date but small blue birds disagree with me so I decided that a blog was a better idea.
And so here it is. Is it not glamorous to read? Is you skin shimmering? Do you feel you have been endowed with magical powers just by reading my words? I thought so. Put on sunglasses before you fry your monitor. You wallet will thank you.
Anyhew. I'll be updating this about every day so instead of actually talking to me, which is a thrill I know, read this instead. It should provide you with a large enough portion of delight to get you through the night.
Until tomorrow my dear potatoes.
The end.


Amber said...

Great BLOG..You rock little dude! It's great to see a teen fired up about writing. Good for you. You have me beat hands down. Keep it up!

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