Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Whew, I have not posted nearly enough in the past. I am deeply sorry. I am trying to do better but being a recovering Nanoholic is not easy to do and blog at the same time.
So much has happened! I don't know if I have mentioned this but I emailed my favorite authoress, Carolyn Turgeon, and wouldn't you know it, she emailed me back! After I screamed around the house for about thirty minutes, I read the letter and we've been emailing back and forth ever since. Once I got past the initial shock of actually talking to her she's given me some great advice on querying, getting an agent, and many other things... OK so that's about it but still it's amazing, no?
In other news I rushed to my Direct Writing Assessment today which I might say was way to long of a period to write a one page paper. I finished with two hours to spare.... it was not fun. I did however read a great portion of the dictionary.
I am currently chewing Wrigley's Winterfresh gum, which I used to be against, but one day when my friend and I were making ever so classy grillz out of the wrappers, I chewed the gum and realized it was amazing. I am not converted from Orbit but I must admit it is good. Touche Wrigley.
I have a yacht load of school to do so I am off. I still have to hunt down a ton of agents contact information, till tomorrow dear potatoes.
The end.

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