Lately something has been nagging at my thoughts. I have been trying to get more organized. I've been revisiting things that I seemed to have forgotten lately. (Nanowrimo.) Things like regular room cleaning, daily showering, and more precisely, journaling. I've always liked journaling. I stuck with it for a very long time. I love how it helps you organize your thoughts and work out problems without even meaning to. But there has always been one aspect of the journaling scene that I have been not so good at. To incorporate journaling into your daily routine, you really have to...write. This doesn't sound very difficult, being born in the techno generation, my handwriting isn't what it should be. And my handwriting speed is DEFINITELY not what it should be. My habit really died at scout camp. After a long, long day at camp, when your head hits the hay, the last thing on your mind is putting pen to paper. The nights that I actually did ink those pages, what I wrote was hardly legible. I lost hope.
But never fear! I resolved this problem this week. Now I'm sure that NONE of you have thought of this so I decided to share. Brace yourselves.
Google Docs. I know. None of you had ever even thought of this. It takes a great mind. It's so simple that I can't believe I never thought of it. Journaling had always been frustrating because my thoughts happened so much faster than I could put them down on paper. But with my (above average) typing speed, journaling has become almost convenient.
For those of you who don't know what Google Docs are, they are simply an online document that you can find under the More tab on the Google home page. If you have a Google account than opening one is effortless. The document saves itself to the web as you type so even if your computer dies mid sentence, your thoughts are saved. Or if a comet flew through your ceiling, narrowly missing your head and fingers but devistating your beloved computer. Considering the fact that if the afore mentioned comet found contact with your leather bound journal, the afore mentioned journal would be toast, we can see which is the more reasonable option.
I encourage you to try it. Creating a Google Doc takes seconds. The benefits are numerous. It is way faster to type your journal. If your house burns down, gets swept away in a typhoon, or is bandited by bandits, your journal will still be safely stored on the interweb.
Your welcome for this knowledge. Use it wisely.
Haha, I can't stand writing on paper. I think so much faster than I can handwrite, and when I try to speed up, everything becomes an illegible mess. Glad to hear you're enjoying Google Docs though! :P
Pen & paper are not to be so easily dismissed, my boy ~ quickly think back to any (ANY!) post-apocolypse book or movie you have encountered ~ what is the first thing to go? mmHHHMMmmm~ that's right ~ technology.
My theory: wild meanderings of the soul, strange thoughts that must be put to word, odd stories, and even just events, can all be blogged or google-doc'ed, however, for the really IMPORTANT stuff ( your testimony, special spiritual experiences, life changing moments, & some few historical-mixed-with-real-life events) should all be journaled the good old fashioned way ~ pen & ink, child, pen & ink!
And the most fun ( well, for me!) is to use a cool fountain pen, with indelible, never-will-fade-or-discolor noodler's ink, on acid free paper. That way, no matter how badly your kids wish you never would have written down the incident with the toilet paper & the next door neighbors pansies, well, there it is, for all generations to read. :-D
It is, after all, a mother's duties to chronicle such events, so that all future generations will understand EXACTLY from whence they come. ;-D
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