Wednesday, January 05, 2011

I've been thinking a lot about resolutions lately. I've made quite a few this year and everybody knows how hard they are to keep. But I heard a great quote sums up what I think about keeping resolutions. It said something like "Just because we forget to brush our teeth one day, doesn't mean that we'll never brush them again." It's so true. So many people think that because we fall off of the wagon that's taking us to the place we want to go, that we are totally left behind. It's not true! If you screw up your resolution, start it again the next day like nothing ever happened. You are an amazing person for even trying to change in the first place! I've had a resolution not to eat sugar except for the weekends because it makes my eczema go crazy and the person I want to be doesn't have scabby skin. I ate some (delicious) carrot cake tonight. And, though it was decadent, I feel bad. But that doesn't mean I'm going to drop my resolution. And neither should you. You are such a powerful person I know you can do anything you put your mind to. Don't get discouraged. Don't let other people tear you down. Get right back up! I encourage everyone to try their resolution for three weeks. I've heard this is the time it takes to form or break a habit. At least try it for that long and I promise that the satisfaction will be worth all your hard work. Once you change something better in yourself, when you look back it will be like you can't even beleive you didn't do it before. Don't be afraid to sweat towards the person you want to be. It will always be worth it.

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