Oh, man. So many things, some good and some... not so good, have happened over Christmas break. A good thing is that I got the most wicked awesome, cheap, mp3 player. The not so good. Ah, I won't say. Where will revenge get me?
Another good thing. I have been taking so many awesome pictures because my camera is working! Yay!
I ate sooo much chocolate and listened to meh favorite music. It was good.
Speaking of music, all of my loyal potatoes, you must check out Regina Spektor. She moved to New York when she was nine, from Moscow (Russia), and oh my goodness, her music is phenomenal. I don't know what it is about her lyrics I just can not get enough of it.
Anyhew. I have learned so much about myself lately. Like I thought I was perfectly content without friends, and now I realize, I'm not as content as I thought I was. Sigh...
Another thing. I do not write happy books. I look at their endings and realize that the main character is always paralyzed\obliterated\or has his time traveling atoms re aligned.
What is the point of Eco friendly shirts that were made in a factory? How can any piece of clothing truly be Eco friendly unless you raised the sheep your self and spun the wool on a man powered spindle\ grew the cotton without fertilizer and then never ironed it\machine washed it?
Tata for now my potatoes. Freezing my bippies off in here.
The end.